May Contain Spoilers!!!

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Choices; that's what they want you to believe you have while playing games, but never has a game thrust the fact that your hand is being held as you are lead on your merry adventure as much as the iconic speech and Golf Club head smashing scene in Bioshock.

Bioshock is very heavily based in proving that Objectivism is rubbish and that nothing could be built under that sort of philosophy, least of all an Utopia; though the way I see it; it only proves that "one bad apple spoil the whole bunch" and that humans at their very heart crave destruction, either of themselves or of others.

The Bad apple in this case is the hand you hold; and who sets up the events that lead you, a 4 year old child; artificially aged into adulthood and subliminally forced to follow orders via the phrase “Would you kindly?”, to kill your father; though in the end it is your father; the man who built Rapture (the underwater city in which Bioshock is based) as a Utopia and would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the greed and jealousy of others; takes control and forces you to smash open his head with a gold club.

Game play wise Bioshock is a little girl kidnapper &/or murder sim, played in the first person; with added drug abuse; you use normal guns that are upgraded into brilliant Steampunk guns though out the game and also have access to magic powers gained via previously mentioned drug use.

The end boss was awful.

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